This statistical factsheet provides data on asylum claims in British Columbia and Canada between 2014 and 2024. It shows an overall increase in asylum claims, with […]
This statistical factsheet provides an overview of asylum claims in Canada from January to October 2024, with a focus on British Columbia. It highlights data on […]
This infographic has been developed by AMSSA’s Operation Ukrainian Safe Haven (OUSH). As the deadline for the temporary measures for CUAET holders approaches, Operation Ukrainian Safe […]
As the needs of newcomers to BC changes and grows, the new BC Newcomer Services Program (BCNSP) and the new BC Services and Assistance for Humanitarian […]
ISSofBC GAR Bulletins: Learn more about the thousands of Government Assisted Refugees ISSofBC has welcomed in over 45 years of serving newcomers to BC. Statistics on […]
In this statistical bulletin produced by the BC Refugee Hub, the arrival of Afghan refugees to Canada is examined. The information is broken down by arrivals […]
The Knowledge Brief Series is intended to briefly summarize the global state of knowledge on key topics related to community-based refugee sponsorship. Knowledge Briefs Access to […]
This issue is an addition to previous informational resources AMSSA has developed to recognize and identify the unique barriers that impact newcomers with disabilities and their […]
AMSSA has released three infographics pertaining to the census, diversity, and migration within B.C. and the rest of Canada. This release includes the following infographics: 2022 […]
The School of Public Policy from the University of Calgary released a publication on incomes of refugees in Canada. Read “Social Policy Trends: Incomes of Refugees […]
This infographic has been released by the Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR) in March 2023. Front-end processes for refugee claimants are rapidly changing as applications are […]
Developed by the BC Refugee Hub, in partnership with AMSSA’s BC Refugee Resource Network (BC RRN), the following housing data tables show regional housing costs in relation […]
Developed by the BC Refugee Hub, in partnership with AMSSA’s BC Refugee Resource Network (BC-RRN), this tool summarizes the key similarities and differences between Canada’s humanitarian […]
The Government of Canada—Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), have introduced a new pathway to permanent residency for extended family members of Afghan interpreters who immigrated under […]
In recognition of the one-year anniversary of the Afghan Special Initiative (ASI) and the first arrivals of Afghan refugees to BC on September 7th 2022, the […]
This factsheet developed by the BC Refugee Hub, provides information and resources on the arrival categories of refugees in Canada, as defined by the Canadian government. […]
Understanding food labels can be confusing and lead to food waste. Did you know that neither Best Before dates nor Expiry dates on food labels are about […]
This info-sheet shows the timeline and key activities undertaken by ISSofBC’s Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) that supports newcomer Government Assisted Refugees (GARs) within thee first two […]
The BC Refugee Hub, in partnership with BC4Afghans, have compiled a list of BC-specific community resources for Afghan newcomers. The resources listed in this document include: […]