The BC Refugee Hub provides users information about refugees that are arriving to British Columbia, the latest reports and publications, statistics and factsheets, and a resource centre with a variety of information.
To assist and empower individuals and refugee-serving organizations to help in the resettlement process, ISSofBC in partnership with the Province of British Columbia have created this online resource hub.
June 20, 2023
This issue is an addition to previous informational resources AMSSA has developed to recognize and identify the unique barriers that impact newcomers with disabilities and their […]
June 16, 2023
AMSSA would like to invite you to register for the B.C Refugee Resource Network’s Seeking Refuge bulletin. The bulletin provides reliable and timely information, news, updates […]
June 16, 2023
As Canada’s rental market tightens, refugees face significant housing challenges. You can help by renting out spare bedrooms or sharing part of your home to provide […]
June 15, 2023
AMSSA has released three infographics pertaining to the census, diversity, and migration within B.C. and the rest of Canada. This release includes the following infographics: 2022 […]
June 6, 2023
The Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship has formally announced that, for foreign nationals who fled Sudan with their Canadian family members, the Government of Canada […]