Through interviews with mental health service providers and a member of a sponsoring group, The Refugee Sponsorship Training Program released a video presenting some of the […]
This online toolkit curated by the BC Refugee Hub includes a short guide to mental health, mental illness, trauma, and resources available to those working with […]
There’s ample evidence that disaster situations can lead to a surge in gender-based violence. Public health directives on home isolation might increase danger and risk for people in […]
Empowering survivors of violence and trauma getting into the labour market Gain new skills and work experience to build the life you want in Canada with […]
Needs Assessment – RAP (Arrivals January 2019 to March 2020) ISSofBC Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) staff surveyed 949 Government Assisted Refugees (GARs) arriving in the […]
Chaired by Jack Jedwab, the Chair of the COVID-19 Social Impacts Network, the May 1st Metropolis online conference will consist of two feature sessions. The first will […]
Building capacity to support the mental health of immigrants and refugees: A toolkit for settlement, social and health service providers by the Immigrant and Refugee Mental […]
Recognizing and appropriately treating mental health problems among new immigrants and refugees in primary care poses a challenge because of differences in language and culture and […]