October 30, 2019

Refugee Claimant Bulletin // July – September 2019

The BC Refugee Hub has compiled statistics for refugee claimant arrivals in British Columbia in the newest edition of the refugee claimant bulletin. Items featured in […]
October 5, 2019

All Welcome Here Coalition

The All Welcome Here Coalition is a group of non-partisan British Columbia organizations working together to support refugees and advance refugee-friendly public policy. We do this […]
September 19, 2019

Welcoming Immigrants and Refugees to Canada – The Role of Municipalities: Toolkit for Inclusive Municipalities in Canada and Beyond

August 2019 – This toolkit includes an overview of the issues, courses of action and examples of good practices from Canadian municipalities that are members of the […]
September 5, 2019

Factsheet – UNHCR Canada: Irregular Arrivals at the Border – Background Information Jan-May 2019

June 2019 – UNHCR Canada has released a statistical factsheet on the irregular arrivals at the border of refugee claimants / asylum seekers between January – […]
August 30, 2019

Factsheet – UNHCR Canada: Asylum Claims – Proving your identity

August 2019 – UNHCR Canada has released a factsheet for Refugee Claimants / Asylum Seekers. The factsheet reviews key information needed by all asylum seekers when […]
July 23, 2019

Refugee Claimant Bulletin // April – June 2019

The BC Refugee Hub has compiled statistics for refugee claimant arrivals in British Columbia in the newest edition of the refugee claimant bulletin. Items featured in […]
July 10, 2019

Report: Policy Guide on Entrepreneurship for Migrants and Refugees

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has released a report titled: Policy Guide on Entrepreneurship for Migrants and Refugees. This policy guide, released […]
July 8, 2019

Factsheet – UNHCR Canada: Are refugees good for Canada?

July 2019 – UNHCR Canada has released an factsheet addressing the question “Are refugees good for Canada?” Statistics show that refugees not only benefit from safety […]
May 16, 2019

Stats Canada Report on Asylum Claims / Refugee Claims in Canada

Stats Canada has released a report about asylum claims / refugee claims in Canada. Read complete report here.  Asylum claimants are individuals who request refugee protection […]
April 29, 2019

Refugee Claimant Bulletin // Jan – Mar 2019

The BC Refugee Hub has compiled statistics for refugee claimant arrivals in British Columbia in the newest edition of the refugee claimant bulletin. Items featured in […]
January 28, 2019

BC Refugee Hub – Refugee Claimant Bulletin // 2018 Roll Up

Refugee Claimant Bulletin // October – December 2018 and 2018 Roll Up The BC Refugee Hub has compiled statistics for refugee claimant arrivals in British Columbia […]
January 12, 2019

BCSIS (BC Settlement and Integration Services) Stream A and B Services for Refugee Claimants

The BC Refugee Hub has compiled a list of BCSIS (BC Settlement and Integration Services) Stream A and B services for refugee claimants. BCSIS Stream A and B […]
January 8, 2019

IEC-BC: Onboarding Refugees Toolkit

IEC-BC Onboarding Refugees Toolkit (January 2017) The purpose of this Toolkit is to assist BC employers to more effectively recruit, hire, onboard and retain a diverse […]
January 4, 2019

BC Refugee Hub – FAQ: Refugee Claimants in British Columbia

The BC Refugee Hub has compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Refugee Claimants in British Columbia. Click here for the online version of […]
October 25, 2018

Infosheet – Refugee Claim Process (BC Context)

Refugee Claim Process (BC Context) Updated – September 2018: This one-pager covers the timeline of activities for refugee claimants from the time they enter Canada to the time they receive a […]
October 24, 2018

BC Refugee Hub Bulletin – Refugee Claimants in BC (July – September 2018)

BC Refugee Hub Bulletin – Refugee Claimant in BC (July – September 2018) – The BC Refugee Hub has compiled statistics for refugee claimant arrivals in British […]
October 1, 2018

Report: Global Refugee Talent: Business Leaders Share Insights on the Skills and Potential of the Global Refugee Talent Pool

Talent Beyond Boundaries(TBB) today announced the release of a report,  “Global Refugee Talent: Business Leaders Share Insights on the Skills and Potential of the Global Refugee […]
September 6, 2018

Report: MAPBC – Refugee Claimant Housing Forum Report and Action Plan

MAP (The Multi-Agency Partnership), comprised of 40+ representatives of government and non government refugee claimant-serving agencies, has released a new report: Refugee Claimant Housing Forum Report […]
August 28, 2018

BC Refugee Hub – Refugee Claimant Bulletin (April – June 2018)

The BC Refugee Hub has compiled statistics for refugee claimant arrivals in British Columbia in the newest edition of the refugee claimant bulletin. Items featured in […]
June 20, 2018

Report: Refugee Claimants in BC: Understanding Current Irregular Arrival Trends

To mark World Refugee Day today, ISSofBC is releasing a survey report focused on refugee claimants and introducing a web-based information tool for newcomers facing challenges […]