As Canada’s rental market tightens, refugees face significant housing challenges. You can help by renting out spare bedrooms or sharing part of your home to provide a safe and welcoming place for refugees and other displaced people the stability to build their lives in Canada.

This pilot program has launched in Metro Vancouver, so if you have a spare room and would like to help vulnerable refugees or simply want more information please visit:

About this project:

Refugee Housing Canada is a vital initiative brought to you by Happipad in collaboration with leading nonprofit organizations ISSofBC, MOSAIC, and SUCCESS. Our goal is to provide refugees with a safe and secure home during their transition to life in Canada.

In light of the tight rental market in Canada, finding affordable housing has become a challenge for old and new Canadians, but it can be especially difficult for refugees who face a number of unique challenges including:

That’s where our home sharing program comes in. By connecting refugees with homeowners who have spare rooms in their homes, we’re offering a solution that benefits both parties.

Learn more here>>

June 16, 2023

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Photo by Alexander Mils:

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