This series was hosted by AMSSA’s BC Refugee Resource Network and ISSofBC’s BC Refugee Hub
Part 1: Housing Search Assessment & Short-Term Solutions
Date: December 1, 2023
In the first session, we delved into the important topic of housing search assessment for newcomers and explored strategies for securing short-term housing. Presenters shared best practices and essential tools for assessing the unique housing needs of newcomers, with a specific focus on short-term housing solutions. Participants discovered the various types of short-term housing options available to newcomers and gained valuable insights on how to efficiently search for and secure these housing options.
Part 2: Innovative Approaches to Long-Term Housing Solutions
Date: December 11, 2023
The second part of our workshop series concentrated on housing assessment and search best practices for long-term housing and introduced innovative methods for finding sustainable housing solutions. Our presenters engaged in discussions about best practices and innovative solutions for long-term housing, shedding light on how organizations had developed internal infrastructure to support newcomers in their housing search. Participants learned about the collaborative partnerships formed with various sectors to enhance the accessibility of long-term housing options for newcomers.